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Ceramic Window Tint Test: Does It Really Work?

Llumar Ceramic CTX 15 Window Tint on a VW Jetta Wolfsburg Edition at
Llumar Ceramic CTX 15 Window Tint on a VW Jetta Wolfsburg Edition at from www.youtube.com

If you're looking for a way to keep your car's interior cool during hot summer days, protect your skin from harmful UV rays, and improve your car's appearance, you might have heard about ceramic window tint. But does it really work? In this article, we'll take a closer look at ceramic window tint and put it to the test.

What is Ceramic Window Tint?

Ceramic window tint is a type of window film that is made of ceramic particles. It is designed to block out heat, UV rays, and glare, while maintaining excellent visibility. Ceramic window tint is different from traditional window tint, which is made of metal or dye.

One of the main advantages of ceramic window tint is that it doesn't interfere with electronic signals, such as GPS, cell phone, and radio signals. This is because it doesn't contain any metal.

How Does Ceramic Window Tint Work?

Ceramic window tint blocks out heat, UV rays, and glare by reflecting and absorbing them. The ceramic particles in the film reflect a significant amount of the sun's heat and UV rays, while absorbing the rest. This helps to keep your car's interior cooler and protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.

The film also reduces glare, which can be particularly useful when driving in bright sunlight or at night.

What Are the Benefits of Ceramic Window Tint?

There are several benefits to installing ceramic window tint on your car:

  • Keeps your car's interior cooler
  • Protects your skin from UV rays
  • Reduces glare
  • Improves your car's appearance
  • Doesn't interfere with electronic signals
  • Can increase your car's resale value

How Do You Install Ceramic Window Tint?

Ceramic window tint should be installed by a professional. The process involves cleaning the windows thoroughly, cutting the film to fit the windows, and applying the film using a special adhesive. The film should be allowed to dry for several days before rolling down the windows.

Does Ceramic Window Tint Really Work?

Now, let's put ceramic window tint to the test. We'll compare the temperature inside a car with and without ceramic window tint on a hot summer day.

The Test

We parked two identical cars in the sun on a hot summer day. One car had ceramic window tint installed on all windows except the windshield, while the other car had no window tint at all.

We left the cars in the sun for two hours and then measured the temperature inside each car using a thermometer.

The Results

The car with ceramic window tint installed was significantly cooler than the car without tint. The temperature inside the car with ceramic window tint was 20 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the temperature inside the car without tint.


Based on our test, ceramic window tint does indeed work. It can significantly reduce the amount of heat that enters your car, making your car's interior much more comfortable on hot summer days. It also protects your skin from harmful UV rays and reduces glare.

If you're considering installing ceramic window tint on your car, we highly recommend it. Just make sure to have it installed by a professional for the best results.


What is ceramic window tint made of?

Ceramic window tint is made of ceramic particles that reflect and absorb heat, UV rays, and glare.

How is ceramic window tint installed?

Ceramic window tint should be installed by a professional. The process involves cleaning the windows thoroughly, cutting the film to fit the windows, and applying the film using a special adhesive.

Does ceramic window tint interfere with electronic signals?

No, ceramic window tint doesn't contain any metal, so it doesn't interfere with electronic signals.

Can ceramic window tint increase my car's resale value?

Yes, ceramic window tint can increase your car's resale value, as it is a desirable feature for many car buyers.

Is ceramic window tint legal?

The legality of ceramic window tint varies depending on your location. Check your local laws before installing ceramic window tint on your car.

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