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Can You Get Pulled Over For Window Tint In Washington?

Can You be Pulled Over For Dark Window Tint? YouTube
Can You be Pulled Over For Dark Window Tint? YouTube from www.youtube.com

If you live in Washington and are considering tinting your car windows, you may be wondering whether doing so could get you pulled over. The answer is yes, it is possible to get pulled over for window tint in Washington. However, this does not mean that all window tinting is illegal in the state. In this article, we will explore the rules and regulations surrounding window tinting in Washington, as well as what you can do to avoid getting pulled over for it.

What are the Window Tinting Laws in Washington?

Washington has strict laws when it comes to window tinting. These laws are in place to ensure that drivers have a clear view of the road and other drivers around them. Here are the key points you need to know:

Front Windshield Tinting

Washington law prohibits any tinting on the front windshield except for a tinted band along the top. This band must be no more than six inches deep and must not extend below the AS-1 line, which is a marking on your windshield that indicates the maximum allowable tinting.

Side and Rear Window Tinting

Washington law allows for tinting on the side and rear windows of a vehicle, but there are restrictions on how dark the tint can be. Here are the guidelines:

  • The front side windows must allow at least 24% of outside light to pass through.
  • The rear side windows and rear window can be tinted to any degree, but if the vehicle has side mirrors, they must be functional and adjusted so the driver has a clear view behind the vehicle.

Penalties for Illegal Tinting

If you are caught with illegal window tinting in Washington, you could face fines and/or have to remove the tinting. Here are the penalties:

  • A first offense is considered an infraction and carries a fine of up to $250.
  • A second offense within five years is considered a misdemeanor and carries a fine of up to $500.
  • A third offense within five years is considered a gross misdemeanor and carries a fine of up to $1,000 and/or up to 364 days in jail.

Why Do Police Officers Pull Over Vehicles with Tinted Windows?

There are several reasons why a police officer might pull over a vehicle with tinted windows:

  • The officer may suspect that the tinting is too dark and is illegal.
  • The officer may not be able to see inside the vehicle to determine how many occupants are inside or whether any illegal activity is taking place.
  • The officer may be concerned for their safety and want to be able to see inside the vehicle in case there is a threat to their safety.

How Can You Avoid Getting Pulled Over for Window Tinting?

If you want to avoid getting pulled over for window tinting in Washington, there are a few things you can do:

  • Make sure your tinting is within the legal limits outlined above.
  • Make sure your side mirrors are adjusted properly so you have a clear view behind your vehicle.
  • Keep your vehicle well-maintained and in good condition to avoid drawing attention to yourself.


While it is possible to get pulled over for window tinting in Washington, as long as you follow the state's laws and regulations, you can avoid any issues. If you are unsure about the legality of your window tinting, it's always a good idea to consult with a professional.

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